EVV Videos

Mobile Visit Verification

Sandata Mobile Connect is the software application being used for electronic visit verification. The employee will be able to check-in and check-out for their visits for the services provided during that time. The mobile visit verification is currently the preferred and recommended option for EVV. It is available on both iOS and Android devices.

Reference Guide – Mobile Visit Verification (MVV)

Telephonic Visit Verification

Telephonic Visit Verification uses the client’s landline to submit the employee’s hours. The employee will call iLIFE’s toll-free TVV phone number to start and end their day. TVV is recommended if using the mobile visit verification is not an accessible option.

Call Reference Guide – Telephonic Visit Verification (TVV)

Call Reference Guide – Telephonic Visit Verification Group Visits (TVV)

Fixed Visit Verification

Fixed Visit Verification uses a small device that stays at the client’s home. The device provides are 6-digit verification number for the check-in and check-out times. The employee will then have to call iLIFE’s toll-free TVV phone number and enter the 6-digit codes to submit their times. Please note FVV is only available if EVV and TVV is not an accessible option and is considered the last resort.

Call Reference Guide – Fixed Visit Verification (FVV)

Fixed Visit Verification (FVV) Tracking Form – IRIS

Fixed Visit Verification (FVV) Tracking Form – Family Care

iLIFE Participant-Hired Worker EVV Training

Virtual training lead by iLIFE and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) on Electronic Visit Verification.

Electronic Visit Verification in IRIS
EVV Training
Sandata Mobile Connect Demos
• Email: vdxc.contactevv@wisconsin.gov

EVV Information and Training
Quick Set-up Guide
Mobile Visit Verification Reference Guide
Telephonic Visit Verification Reference Guide
Fixed Visit Verification Reference Guide
• Email: IRIS.EVV@iLIFE.org